Remote internship in Quantum-Computational Chemistry at Qu & Co, Netherlands (now PASQAL). (09/2020-01/2021)
Supervisor: Benno Broer, CEOSummer internship on Software Framework for Electronic Structure for Molecules and Solids at Virginia Tech, USA. (05/2019-07/2019)
Supervisor: Prof. Edward Valeev
C++ codesSummer internship on Implicit Inclusion of Iterative Triples Correction on Coupled Cluster Theory at IIT Bombay, India. (05/2018-07/2018)
Supervisor: Dr. Rahul MaitraSummer internship on Developing Novel Materials based on Ice Templating and Emulsion Templating at NCL, Pune, India. (05/2017-07/2017)
Supervisor: Dr. Guruswamy Kumarswamy