Home Talks


  • Talk on ‘Exploring Chemistry of Interstellar H+3 using qiskit_nature module’, as a part of the personal project for the course on Quantum Computing.
  • Poster Presentation at LatinXChem2022 on ‘Tackling Strong Correlation with Flexible Geminal and Coupled-Cluster Methods’.
  • Talk on the review of the research paper on Hardware-efficient Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Small Molecules and Quantum Magnets as a part of the project for the course on Quantum Computing.
  • Talk at 98th Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME) conference on ‘Single Excitations in 1-Reference Geminal Coupled Cluster Wavefunctions: Taming Strong Correlation with Flexible Quasiparticles’.
  • Poster Presentation at 10th triennial conference on Molecular Quantum Mechanics (MQM) 2022 on ‘Incorporating Orbital Rotations in Natural Way in 1-Reference Geminal Coupled Cluster Method’.
  • Talk on Orbital Dynamics of Interacting Galaxies as a part of the project in the Computational Physics Course, in a group of two based on the self-written Python code to perform the simulation of the three-body problem. Code
  • Poster Presentation at 61st Sanibel Symposium 2022 on the energy calculations for benchmarking molecules in Quantum Chemistry using newly developed geminal wavefunctions by Miranda-Quintana Group.
  • Quantum Lightning Talks by Qubit by Qubit (Invited Talk) on my research in Quantum Chemistry, as an interdisciplinary field of Quantum Computing, for 300+ high-school students. YouTube Video
  • Master’s Thesis Presentation on Particle Swarm Optimization method combined with Gaussian to generate minimum energy structures, at Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur, India.
  • Internship Presentation on Software Framework of Electronic Structure for Molecules and Solids using C++ in Valeev Group at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA.