I have undergone extensive training in quantum computing foundations, standard algorithms, and quantum simulations, through various programs mentioned below.
QSim 2024: Quantum Simulation Summer School by RQS, Rhode Island (Aug 9-11, 2024) 2nd annual school organized by the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Institute for Quantum Simulation (RQS). The summer school was focused on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments.
Quantum Explorers Program by IBM Quantum (07/2023 - 02/2024)
QClass23/24: Fundamentals of Quantum Computing and Programming Course by QWorld, University of Latvia (09/2023 - 01/2024)
IPAM workshop on Many‑body Quantum Systems via Classical and Quantum Computation at the University of California, Los Angeles (Nov 6-9, 2023)
- Quantum Computing for Natural Sciences Course with IBM Quantum, by openHPI (09/2023)
- Translating molecular quantum descriptions into qubit representations for quantum computation
- Using quantum algorithms to calculate ground and excited state energies of molecules
- Exploring molecular dynamics simulations on quantum computers
- Understanding the challenges and future directions of quantum simulations
- Identifying common error sources in quantum computations and strategies for error mitigation
STAQ Quantum Ideas Summer School, Duke University, Durham, NC (June 19-23, 2023)
A week-long fully-funded summer school on topics including Quantum Computation Overview, Hardware Tutorials, Algorithms for Near-Term Devices, and Quantum Error Correction.
The offsite activities: Duke Quantum Center Lab Tours, Don’t Sweat the Flops Workshop with Flow Circus.Qiskit Global Summer School 2022: Quantum Simulations by IBM. (July 24-29, 2022)
Hamiltonian Time Evolution | Simulation Problems | Noisy Real Hardware | Challenges and Methods of Quantum Chemistry Simulation | Quantum Dynamics Project: Simulate a Quantum Spin-1/2 ModelIntroduction to Quantum Computing Course by Qubit by Qubit, The Coding School, with IBM. (10/2020 - 06/2021)
Limits of Classical Computation | Quantum Mechanics | Quantum Programming | Quantum Information | Advanced Quantum Algorithms- Qiskit Global Summer School 2020: Quantum Computing and Quantum Hardware by IBM. (July 20-30, 2020)
Quantum Programming using Qiskit on IBM Quantum Experience Platform | Final Project Challenge - Implementation of VQE algorithm for LiH molecule